Monday, May 13, 2013

Happily Ever After?

I have been lately thinking about happy and sad endings and I am not sure any more if such a thing exists. I have always loved intense books or movies with a good-happy ending and disliked the ones that end with deaths or sad ones.
 I was watching ‘Becoming Jane’ last night and I deliberated late, whether the ending was; good or sad. The fact that Jane Austen never married was quite sad, I mean it IS particularly upsetting when you love someone who LOOKS like ames Mcavoy (i mean, seriously?) and you don’t get to be with him in the end because some wretched uncle decides to not support you financially, and because elopement could only lead to loss of honor or any sense of propriety not to mention, that would totally disrupt your career and the financial stability of all the young siblings you’re supporting. Then I thought, Austen has disliked the upper-lower class discrimination and her disdain for upper class superiority and sexual descrimination has always been portrayed clearly in her books. So what, if she didnt marry who she wanted. Life isnt particulary fair, to anybody, the fact that people preservere and the very fact that she got to publish those very novels that she loved writing was, a happy ending enough. Who are we to judge an ending to be happy or not?
And, there is quite a bit of a chance most of that shit was fictionalized and did not actually happen, but it still applies.

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