Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Direct Relationship of Time and Regret

Time is of the essence, time's a wasting. time's running out. So many phrases to denote time's most important characteristic that time lost never comes back?.or 'we gotta live like we're dying'(if you sung this particular phrase out, I don't blame you). How do I get myself to live every second of my life, such that I don't have any regrets when the moment passes. Can you ever get enough of time spent at home, with your baby brother or mother-or just doing things most precious to you? I don't think we will ever find peace with time, ever- so you may spend time having heart-to-hearts with your mom every morning, you will still regret not spending enough!- on the other hand you may do stupid things like hurting people over mundane conversations, which tops my list of the most regrettable WRONG things I may have done (OK fine, I HAVE done) will lead to regret, regret and more regrets! The culprit, ladies and gentlemen is the fact the time is moving. the more time spent; tick tock tick tock, the more you'll come to regret. hey! an epiphany:--
There was this cartoon series I used to watch about this kid who had a magic clock with a button , which if you'd press would stop time and would leave him to do whatever he wanted; and that'd often be doing his homework right before submission(-HOW STUPID). Since then, this watch is what I have ever wanted when asked about the one magic thing I'd desire. The second would be the ability to Apparate-saving travelling time-dayum! another epiphany. Wow, the weird moment you realise you've been running around wanting time all your life!
I guess the most we can do is get into the habit of using your head before blabbering and do whatever you love doing in whatever time you get, it'd bode well to prioritize on the many things you love doing, after all-'you may never go back in time and erase the past' or have 'a do-over'. Any chances of us having  recurring Groundhog days is next to nil. So while these phrases may sound meaningless after some time they need to be taken seriously.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Tangled threads, connected but inter looped ribbons of different colors-that's what life looks like with people as complex as the other, but somehow connected by generally being tangled.
We're all stuck with each other whether we want to or not, the faster people realise this, the better. How much time are you going to spend judging and labelling each and everyone by the way they act or the way they dress. If you find yourself being punched out of the way, by a female with lots of coconut oil in her hair,  try to imagine what she's thinking about while ploughing down innocent people, who knows she probably had a tragic childhood; being trampled on by hordes of people. You should then reprimand yourself for taking perverse pleasure in such evil thoughts.  We're all putting on a show, trying to be someone-whether we are doesn't matter, for you're acting either because you want to be like that and it doesn't take long to turn into whatever you want to turn into. Which is why someone wise said, think good thoughts, for it doesn't take long for that thought to be exposed by your actions.  The point is we're all messed up and we don't have the right to judge whose more or less so. The key is to suppress the sarcasm and evil that we all know is fun to let out sometimes.
And, yes my brain is as mangled as the above text that does not make sense whatsoever.