Monday, August 1, 2011


SO how does this something called 'blogging' help. It helps put your life into perspective? so does it?
How many times have you sensed, in the jumbled mess of your thoughts, the hidden motive behind your actions? Aren't we all in various degrees stupid or smart. I like to think of myself as both (honestly people you CANNOT BE called human if your not stupid AND smart, so don't get too self-critical and call yourself stupid or don't get too stupid to call yourself smart!) Lets do ourselves a favor, and lets write and explore the limits of our stupidity and smart-ass-ed-ness through words (although you would rather go for the words 'journey to self-discovery', I'd rather go with 'exploring my stupidity'!) So that's how I start the first post to my very first blog dedicated to none other than...BLOGGING.(how original)
Ramadan Kareem =D


  1. Aaahh, I know I'm smart and stupid too!
    I don't know if it helps put your entire life into perspective but it does help in many little ways so keep blogging!
