Sunday, March 2, 2014


A war starts with a man killing another and continues with the man’s child berating the child of the other. This is for all Pakistani’s, Bangladeshis and Indians out there.
Dear People,
We all know the wars our countries have faced; we are all daughters and sons of that victimized generation.
Countrymen -berating other countrymen in today’s world will make you look like an immature brat who has the liberty to talk about a war- A WAR which you quite obviously did not personally witness-So today? it does not make sense for you to make judgements about what happened then because A) you are demeaning other countryman’s victim and B) YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT THOSE PEOPLE WENT THROUGH. So why talk about wars like it happened in your lifetime.
Wars for whatever reason, is never justifiable! It is wrong that mothers and daughters were raped for defending their belief or their language. It is  wrong for fathers and sons who died defending their homes and families, its  wrong for a train full of people to be slaughtered for wanting to migrate to another country on the brink of division. IT IS WRONG!  Does it matter if it was Pakistani or an Indian or a Bangladeshi?  If you want to hate-hate the war, hate the circumstances, DONOT hate the people. THE PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR WAR ARE DEAD, ITS NOT OUR FAULT! Sorry!  

You can go on and on and talk about all the wrong that Pakistan did to Bangladesh or India did to Pakistan. Point fingers at their country and be all; it’s YOUR country that waged a war against mine. Boo-FUCKING-HOO people died on both the sides. THEY DIED AND WERE TORTURED. Are you seriously going to sit there on your comfy beds and sofas with full tummies, and talk about who died a more gruesome death? Please be mature and grow up. Don’t demean those who died, who died in the hope of a better future, not for a future where you sit and point fingers. We all know that life is harsh and not fair to everyone but we also know that it goes on. We can either live in the past or move ahead and try to forgive and forget. You decide.

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