Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I feel very happy when I say, I have had an amazing array of friends, some so bitchy you’d  want to kick their butts for being themselves and some so amazing that they’d actually give you a helluva moment and force you to think ‘are you for real, woman?’ WOW, even I can surpass all limits of cheesiness.  They came in all various sizes, shapes and colors (I’m not trying to be racist here, hello, Its perfectly understandable if you live in a multi-cultural community), I might even compare them to candy, mind you, I’m talking about a variety and not a ‘particular type’, the kind that you see in Candilicious and make you want to try each and every one of those scrumptiousness chocolaty-ness and nuttiness… ok so I may have a serious case of ADD.
What I mean is that, despite all the differences in personality, traits; there was always a point of time where I considered each and every one of those friends, my best.  So what happens later when you, move onto the university-phase, the first phase of life after high school, when you, leave those gates and hallways echoing with insane, maniacal laughter, the time where you lived in a blissful and mindless state of oblivion and where life circled around you, yourself and nothing but you? Its only when you look back and knock on those gates to unleash all those fond memories and you think, ‘Hey! What happened to her? ‘The last time I heard she was charging her way through a well-thought-out trajectory’ or ’weird-ol Rania’  took her paranoia to a whole new level and finally had a breakdown’ however, it’s all becoming uncommon-er , with facebook and twitter unleashed on this world. No complains there.
What I find amazing is that, no matter how much your experiences may develop your thoughts into recognizing flaws in them, it’s comforting to know that they were always present and willing, to share problems, anecdotes and above all GOSSIP, they would always have something unique to say, its time like these when you would want to appreciate every person’s ability to form their own opinion. That’s what I miss the most, I think.
In the end, I want to say to all those, who’ve spent no matter how small the time, but where there, by my side; I am what I am now, partly because of you. My thoughts and my ways, again are partly a product of all those small snippets and moments of life I spent with you.

Friday, August 5, 2011

It's Torture!

So a friend once commented on the Muslims' idea of slaughtering animals, for food. 'Its torture!'. Then, and I'm not proud to say it but I didn't have an appropriate answer, so I just made do with: 'there's a reason, behind everything' which in other words simply meant 'Shut up and don't comment on things that are beyond your level of understanding', she did shut up understanding she'd gone into uncharted territory (now, THAT would be 'my wrong-side' of course) . In my defense, I am a genuinely egotistic person, and people occasionally wrong me, with good reason of course, on second thought even if they do, I don't accept it, it's probably a 'Leo' thing but that's besides the point.
So I was just going through a few videos of Dr Zakir Naik (here I will assume that you know who he is, and if you don't; firstly: HOW CAN YOU NOT!? and secondly :"Watchu have google for!"), and I came across one, about Misconceptions in Islam, where he repeatedly states, every Muslim must know an answer to these misconceptions, so that people can see beyond their opinions and move on to actually see the beauty of Islam. That's when I found the answer to that comment made by my friend, months ago. The answer is: "Scientific tests have proven that when the animal's throat is slit along with the windpipe and the vein (without damage to the spinal cord), the animal dies a painless death. The animal twitches its legs, it is not because of pain but because the heart has pumped out all the blood from the legs. It is this twitching of the lags, this thrashing about of the dying animal that leads the non-Muslim to believe that the animal is in pain. Blood carries toxins and impurities that are harmful for humans. Islam prohibits the eating/drinking of blood. Meat without blood lasts longer than meat with blood in it." For those of you who have come across such comments but have had simply no answer to give them. You'll find this link helpful, especially in situations where you want to go "HAH-in your face!": http://www.islamawareness.net/Islam/misconcep.html

Until next time!

Monday, August 1, 2011


SO how does this something called 'blogging' help. It helps put your life into perspective? so does it?
How many times have you sensed, in the jumbled mess of your thoughts, the hidden motive behind your actions? Aren't we all in various degrees stupid or smart. I like to think of myself as both (honestly people you CANNOT BE called human if your not stupid AND smart, so don't get too self-critical and call yourself stupid or don't get too stupid to call yourself smart!) Lets do ourselves a favor, and lets write and explore the limits of our stupidity and smart-ass-ed-ness through words (although you would rather go for the words 'journey to self-discovery', I'd rather go with 'exploring my stupidity'!) So that's how I start the first post to my very first blog dedicated to none other than...BLOGGING.(how original)
Ramadan Kareem =D